
Description of the dimensions.


The Wilderness is the very first dimension you have access to when joining the server. Here, you are able to:

  • Use claim blocks to claim land and protect your builds.

  • Encounter a variation of custom mobs including Orcs, Bandits, Goblins and Wraiths.

  • Explore the newly updated 1.18 Vanilla terrain.

Access to the Wilderness can be found through the portal at spawn [/warp wilderness].


Upon reaching the Thief rank, you will be able to unlock the Nether dimension. You are unable to claim land within this world so watch out when building and exploring in case you encounter any of the custom mobs such as Nether Ghosts, Crimson Mages and Lava Knights.

  • Ability to get quartz, used for redstone components like Observers and Comparators.

  • Obtain soulsand to grow netherwart (which can also be dropped by Orcs and Orclings) and brew your own potions.

  • Access to the Nether is only found through the portal at spawn [/warp nether].


Reach the Archmage rank to unlock the custom End dimension. Builds contained within the End are unable to be claimed. When exploring this dimension, be wary of the range of custom mobs which lurk around the surface: Shadow Walkers, Myriad Shulkers and Phantom Relics.

  • Access to the End is only found through the portal at spawn [/warp end].


Reach the Darkmage rank to unlock the custom Utopia dimension. Here, you are able to:

  • Claim land within the world using claim blocks [/kit claim] and protect your builds from mob/player grief.

  • Encounter a variation of custom mobs such as Fallen Maidens, Sword Golems and Ancient Imperials.

  • Explore the custom terrain including Mushroom Biomes, Volcanoes and more!

  • Access to Utopia is only found through the portal at spawn [/warp utopia].


Upon reaching the Unholy rank, you will be able to unlock the Hell dimension. Here, you are able to:

  • Claim land using claim blocks [/kit claim] and protect your builds from mob/player grief.

  • Encounter a range of custom mobs such as Inferno Behemoths, Blood Warlocks and Demon Kings.

  • Explore the custom terrain surrounding you.

  • Access to Hell can only be found through the portal at spawn [/warp hell].

Resource Worlds

Resource worlds are unique, periodically resetting environments designed specifically for resource gathering, distinct from other dimensions focused on building or exploration.

  • Currently, only the Wilderness has a resource world accessible through /resourceworld and is already unlocked when joining the server.

Arenas and Bosses

Each dimension contains one arena, the location of these are undisclosed so have fun exploring! Within these arenas, you are able to fight bosses, some of these you are able to fight alone however, some will need a group effort with at least fully upgraded netherite armour.

  • Bosses spawn at a variety of times. Whenever a boss is close to spawning, a message in chat will appear indicating the spawntime.

  • Land contained within the arenas are protected meaning you are unable to place and break blocks.

Images of the arenas can be found in the server gallery: https://morose.dev/WarpedRealm/gallery

Last updated

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