Patch 1.0
Introduced Votingrewards (100% chance for vote-crate-key, 20% chance for spawner key)
Added sellprices for all of the new 1.17 items
Balanced out rankup prices a bit
Wrote this whole wiki page (which took ages btw)
Updated to 1.18 (and 1.18.1), then updated a shit ton of plugins because of it
Added scoreboard wiki discord and store mention
Overhauled leaderboards at spawn
Added Store-Stat thing at spawn
Got a new proper anticheat set up and configured (and tested by myself!)
Regenerated the wilderness to be in 1.18 terrain (also moved over the arena!)
Wrote this stupid page which took way longer than it shouldve
Added quests, ranks, discordlink, store, wiki, discord, tpadeny, tpa, rules, unignoreplayer, ignoreplayer, playtime, playtimetop, bal, balance, money, jobs, repair to TCF
Increased renderdistance of the server
Added restart and maintenance messages
Unused claims now run out after 14 days, normal ones after 60 of not being inactive (Exception being players with 10000 ClaimBlocks or 5000 bonus claim blocks)
Chests placed dont get claimed anymore
Member role shows up in scoreboard
Ranks now have job rewards
Added "Claim-Block" section
Added "Black Market" parent section
Added page for Votingsites
Created JS function to open all voting-sites in one click
"Store" button redirects to base page of the store now
Added Giftcard-Balance module
Added Featured Rank
Changed main-button-color to purple instead of gray
Added payment gateway
Fixed a few checkout errors
Created 3d render for claimblock icons
Added icon for claimblocks
Added claimblock description
Fixed css issues and a few weird stylings
Fixed wrong redirect on package page
Fixed wrong playerskin render (or headrender) on basket page
Fixed wrong minotar url
Fixed package playername input to be required
Bugfixes and Tweaks
Fixed all custom items using "ON_HIT" and "WHEN_HIT" triggers on abilities
Fixed Crate keys not registering sometimes
Fixed announcement (broadcast) formatting
Tweaked a few bosses dealing too much damage and having too little HP
Fixed a few missing blocks at spawn and in the boss arenas
Fixed critical errors with voting
Removed warmup times for /warp, /home and /spawn
Combat Mode 10s -> 15s
Changed a few of the crate particles
Fixed empty line under the death and deathfee message
Optimized server-ram-usage
Deleted a few unused worlds
Fixed a bug where /sell wouldnt be in the TCF
A few final words for this launch:
I wanna thank Luke for helping me out here and there regarding tips, tricks, finding help with errors and bugs, testing the anticheat and even coding some custom plugins i needed to fix some errors
I wanna thank egg for testing a lot of stuff, helping me a ton with building and keeping me company over the 13 months being in development
I wanna thank jack for locking me out of my server once and helping me with networking, setting up the dedicated server initially and being a good friend overall
Last updated
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